Consumer Guides

Government  Guides

Consumer News



Legal Disclaimer

The consumer guides found on this site are gathered from many government agencies who have written and prepared them.  Government agencies do not advertise much of what they create and many consumers are not aware of their existence.

We have published these government consumer guides as a service to consumers, and as a starting point for consumers seeking information, but we have not written these guides, and must refer all questions of factual accuracy to the government agency that wrote the particular guide.  We also recommend legal and professional counsel on all final consumer decisions. 

Consumer Guides cannot not guarantee the truth claims presented on this site, either from the government guides, or from the sponsors or from any information written by No warranty exists for any information or product presented on this site. Users are advised to use at their own risk and to check the truthfulness of all advice given, not only on this site, but throughout the Internet, and the world at large.

No advertising or sponsors on this web site are endorsed by any government department or agency.  

Sponsors, and/or advertising, and outside links found on this site can provide helpful information and lead consumers to valuable professional services, yet consumers should be aware that the content on outside links cannot be pre-screened by and consumers should always seek legal and professional guidance in making final decisions.

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