You’ll find everything you need at a fishing
tackle or sporting goods store. Many discount or hardware stores also
sell fishing tackle. If you want to fish in saltwater, ask for help in
selecting the right equipment.
While you’re in the store, ask about a fishing
license. Depending on your age and your state, you may need one to fish
legally. Also pick up a copy of your state’s fishing laws (or
regulations), which will tell you the types of fish, the minimum size
limit, and the number of fish you can catch in one day.
Then, choose a fishing rod that you can hold
comfortably in one hand. There are many inexpensive combination packages
available that include a rod, reel, and fishing line. Tie a hook to the
end of the line with a fishing knot. Instructions for the Palomar
or the Improved Clinch knot are in this pamphlet.